
Car Batteries Mansfield

Supplying High Quality Low Cost Car Batteries in Mansfield

Car Batteries Mansfield

Our Car Battery Price Guide

RMD have a comprehensive range of batteries available to supply and we even fit your battery for FREE.

The price you pay includes fitting, disposal of the old battery and VAT – and all our batteries come with a 3 year guarantee.

The charge is in the battery not the fitting.

RMD Car prices April 2024

Providing you with high quality car batteries at great prices

Looking out for the signs

There are some signs to look out for that indicate when a battery is getting weak and may need replacing, these include a sluggish starter motor when the key is turned and headlights that dim when the engine speed drops to an idle.

Looking after your car battery

Winter puts an additional strain on batteries, because the colder it gets the more power our engines need to get started. We also forget to think about all the additional functions we use like lights, heaters, windscreen heaters, seat warmers and windscreen wipers, all these things putting extra strain on the battery and minimising the life of the battery.

Car battery top tip

When you start the car first thing in the morning or after leaving work make sure that non-essentials like seat warmers and windscreen wipers are turned off.
There are numerous products on the market that can help you take better care of your vehicles battery, including portable chargers, testers etc.